Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Prosecutors caught cheating in Casey Anthony trial.

Remember all the evidence about Casey Anthony searching about "chloroform" 84 times? Certainly had everyone thinking that Caylee had been chloroformed, even though the cause of death was unknown.
Turns out the information was a fraud: a glitch in a computer program produced the bad information AND the prosecutors and police were alerted to the false data during the trial and did not correct it.

"Chloroform" had been searched for one (yep, that's 1) time, and then a web site was on the use of chloroform in the 1800s was accessed.

The programmer alerted prosecutors and police to the error and the correct data during the trial and the prosecutors did not alert the court and defense counsel.

“The prosecution is absolutely obligated to bring forth to the court any and all evidence that could be exculpatory,” Mr. Mason said. “If in fact this is true, and the prosecution concealed this new information, it is more than shame on them. It is outrageous.” Here's the link from the New York Times:

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